hybrid working

Your Hybrid Work Assistant

Amirra brings your distributed team closer together through interactive virtual connections and engaging gamification. Make hybrid work meaningful and fun!

Remote competitions

Suggested connections

Feedback surveys

Interactive quizzes

Automated engagement

Community newsletter

Hybrid Work Solution Tool

Trusted by industry leaders worldwide

Unites your distributed workforce

Amirra's hybrid work solution uses automated prompts to encourage meaningful colleague interactions, bringing your distributed team closer together.

Keeps everyone informed

Amirra's hybrid work solution uses automated prompts to encourage meaningful colleague interactions, bringing your distributed team closer together.

Brings all employee resources into one place

Amirra centralizes all employee resources, including documents, media, and more, into one convenient and easily managed location. Its powerful universal search feature makes finding the answers you need quick and effortless.

Encourages remote connection and engagement

Amirra provides fun and meaningful ways to connect your team, enhancing remote engagement and collaboration. By facilitating virtual interactions and promoting a sense of community, Amirra's hybrid work tool helps build stronger relationships among your distributed workforce.

Why Amirra

Amirra's employee retention solution is the best way to create a great workplace environment.

Brings your people together

Reduces the tools you need

Uses AI-Driven interactions

Eliminates much of the busy work

Easy to adopt, use and manage

It's integrated and branded for you

Book a demo

Discover how Amirra's AI Company Culture Copilot transforms employee engagement and retention. Learn how this powerful tool can help you enhance your organization's community building, employee wellbeing, learning, and engagement.

Employee Retention Solution Software
Easy to deploy
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